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5-yr Historical Analysis

This Dashboard is a 5-year Historical Financial Analysis Excel Template is useful for financial analysts to quickly have an overview of a company’s performance with basic ratios and charts.

Price : $20.00

Description :

This mini-model allows quickly creating a financial ratio analysis report for a company with highlights on liquidity, profitability and share price performance related ratios. The results are displayed in a single sheet dashboard to be presented to decision makers. This Dashboard is a 5-year Historical Financial Analysis Excel Template is useful for financial analysts to quickly have an overview of a company’s performance with basic ratios and charts.

This template is user-friendly and you can simply update the inputs by entering financial data in the yellow cells for the past five years.

A nice and quick tool for financial analysis with instructions included in the model.

The steps are very easy to go through and allows you to customize according to your needs/specifications.

The Historical data is entered in the yellow cells for up to 5-year balance sheet and income statement results, in addition to some cashflow, share price, and dividends metrics. The income statement and balance sheet items are standardized and summarized to allow for quick analysis.

This tool allows analysts to efficiently analyze many companies in their investment portfolio. It will allow analysts to quickly assess the profitability, liquidity and share price performance ratios of the company. Additionally it gives insights on working capital management.

The tool can also be used to populate data on many companies in a standardized format, simply by replicating the worksheet.