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IFRS-16 Transition Module

This model allows for a transition to use IFRS-16 for leased properties. The calculations allow projecting IFRS-16 balances to be incorporated in business plans with many leased properties.

Price : $20.00

Description :

When building a financial model, rent cost is one major component in your financial projections.

With the introduction of IFRS-16, projected income statements have shown a different split in expenses between rent, depreciation and interest costs.

With the adaptation of the standard in financial statements, even retro-actively in many cases, it has become a requirement that financial models incorporate and apply IFRS-16 in all projections.

This module allows for a transition to use IFRS-16 in both accounting records and business planning on the corporate level.  This will allow measurement of the impact of IFRS-16 implementation retroactively and going forward on a company’s financials.