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Manpower Analysis Model

The Manpower Analysis Model was designed to equip HR managers and analysts with a tool to control the transition of a workforce from one year to another.

Price : $30.00

Description :

• Optimization of labor force is a growing concern for entrepreneurs and top management.
• Year on year, there must be a plan in place to show management what changes are expected in labor costs, designations and needed relocations to match the growth of the organization.
• Digitization of operations that raise productivity has led to potential reductions in manpower.
• Being able to capture and quantify all planned changes in a firm’s manpower before starting a new financial year has become critical to owners of enterprises trying to compete in markets by becoming more cost efficient and ensuring an environment that improves productive labor retention.
• This model allows HR managers to capture performance appraisal results for employees and link those to changes in their pay-scale and allowances.
• The model also allows organizations to build and maintain a pay-scale and grade system for its workforces.
• This model also allows gradually adjusting pay levels into a pre-defined scale to ensure homogeneous basic salaries and allowances based on scale levels and grades. The model will show variances of current pay structures to the scale and therefore guide pay changes towards closing those variances.
• A comprehensive dashboard was designed to give an overview to management of what changes were done in pay-scales and what is the annual labour cost analyzed by different parameters.
• The model will also highlight actions taken on an overall corporate level regarding number of promotions, dismissals, redundancies, relocations etc.
• This model can be used in-house by HR Managers to optimize their manpower planning and appraisal, and it can be used by management consultants hired for organizational restructuring to optimize manpower costs and division of work.
• The Manpower Analysis Model was designed to equip HR managers and analysts with a tool to control the transition of a workforce from one year to another.
• This tool allows capturing of optimization efforts by an organization to reshuffle, downsize, relocate and appraise its workforce.
• The model highlights the status of a workforce in a current year and what is planned for next year.
• This model will serve as the ultimate Human Resource Budget for an organization segregated by departments, grades and locations.